Originally debuting almost 40 years ago, Eagle Force was a 3" die-cast action figure military-themed toy line created and designed by Bill Baron and Paul Kirchner. Even though only the initial assortment made it to toy shelves, it was enough to introduce us to Captain Eagle and his team of top military specialists with codenames such as Sgt. Brown, Big Bro, Harley, Turk and The Cat. They battled the evil forces of R.I.O.T. (Roving International Organization of Tyranny), lead by the evil General Mamba, assisted by Baron Von Chill, Nemesis the Saboteur, Savitar the Ninja, and an army of R.I.O.T. Shock Troopers.
In 2017 Fresh Monkey Fiction and Zica Toys brought back Eagle Force for a new generation with the successful Eagle Force Returns Kickstarter campaign with over 4 Waves encompassing over 30 action figures.
The Eagle Force brand has now expanded to over 50+ action figures and 150 characters across many sub-teams including, Eagle Force Returns, Monster Force, Eagle Force Mega, Eagle Force ’41, Ninja Force, Eagle Force Voyagers, Adventure Force, Freedom Force and more to come.